Supporting Organizations


Association of Metaltechnology Industries (Management and Office)

Wiedner Hauptstraße 63
A-1045 Vienna

Austrian Federal Economic Chamber

Department of Environmental & Energy Policy
Wiedner Hauptstraße 63
A-1045 Vienna

Association of Eletrical & Electronic Industries

Mariahilfer Straße 37-39, 5. OG
A-1060 Vienna

Federal Panel of Machinery & Technology Trade

Wiedner Hauptstraße 63
A-1045 Vienna

Federal Guild of Electrical, Building, Alarm and Communication Technicians

Schaumburgergasse 20/4
A-1040 Vienna

Contact: DI Christian Atzmüller

Federal Guild of Plumbing, Heating & Ventilation Technicians

Schaumburgergasse 20/4
A-1040 Vienna

Contact: DI Christian Atzmüller

Association of Engineering

Schaumburgergasse 20/1
A-1045 Vienna

Contact: Mag. Sarah Fisegger

Supporting Organizations


Federal Association Photovoltaic Austria

Franz Josefs Kai 13/12-13
A-1010 Vienna

Association Austria Solar

Franz Josefs Kai 13/12-13
A-1010 Vienna

Association of Heat Pumps

Bockgasse 2a
A-4020 Linz

Contact: Siegfried Thurner, MPA, B.A.

Society proPellets Austria

Franz Josefs Kai 13/12-13
A-1010 Vienna

IG Holzkraft – Energie der Zukunft

Franz Josefs Kai 13/12-13
A-1010 Vienna

Contact: Dr. Eva Talic

General Assembly

Members & Contact Info

Gerhard Oswald, MBA


nominated by Federal Guild of Plumbing, Heating & Ventilation Technicians

Oswald GmbH
Agsdorferstraße 117
A-9433 St. Andrä

KommR Ing.
Roman Weigl, MSc

Vice Chair

nominated by Association of Engineering

rew Consulting
Herbststraße 49/1
A-1160 Vienna

Dipl. iur. Sabine Hesse, MBA

Vice Chair

nominated by Association of Metaltechnology Industries (Management and Office)

Austrian Federal Economic Chamber
Wiedner Hauptstraße 63
A-1045 Vienna

Mag. Jürgen Streitner

nominated by Austrian Federal Economic Chamber Department of Environmental & Energy Policy

Austrian Federal Economic Chamber
Wiedner Hauptstraße 63
A-1045 Vienna

Dr. iur. Manfred Müllner

nominated by Association of Eletrical & Electronic Industries

FEEI Association of
Eletrical & Electronic Industries

Mariahilfer Straße 37-39, 5. OG
A-1060 Vienna

Ing. Manuela Kuterer

nominated by Federal Guild of Electrical, Building, Alarm and Communication Technicians

ElektroJet Kuterer GmbH
Pettauer Straße 2
A-8184 Anger

KommR Ing. Gerhard AufrichT

nominated by Federal Guild of Electrical, Building, Alarm and Communication Technicians

Mittli GmbH & Co KG
Hegergasse 7
A-1030 Vienna

Dipl.-Ing. Vera Immitzer

nominated by Federal Association Photovoltaic Austria

Federal Association Photovoltaic Austria
Franz Josefs Kai 13/12-13
A-1010 Vienna

Dipl.-Ing. Roger Hackstock

nominated by Association Austria Solar

Austria Solar
Franz Josefs Kai 13/12-13
A-1010 Vienna

Richard Freimüller

nominated by Association of Heat Pumps

Ochsner Wärmepumpen GmbH
Bockgasse 2a
A-4020 Linz

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Christian Rakos

nominatd by Association proPellets Austria

Association ProPellets Austria
Franz Josefs Kai 13/12-13
A-1010 Vienna

Ing. Mag. Hans-Christian Kirchmeier, MTD, MBA, MBL

nominated by IG Holzkraft –
Energy of the Future

IG Holzkraft
Graben 19/5
A-1010 Vienna