First contact in the field of economy

The umbrella organization Energie-Klima, a working group within the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, is committed to the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. Climate protection is not only an important social objective but also an obligation under Community law in the EU.

The umbrella organization represents the interests of the economy. In this platform, professional associations of trade, commerce and industry as well as associations are organized, which are concerned with the economic implementation in connection with renewable energy sources and climate protection.

Our Goals

Hub & initiator of the following key objectives

The focus is on the economy-oriented implementation of climate protection measures both domestically and by promoting export activities (also in connection with the “flexible instruments”), thereby securing and further developing Austria as a business location.
By means of economically attractive technologies, a contribution is made to increasing the share of renewable energies in Austria and in the EU.
The activities of the umbrella organization help to promote the use of renewable energy sources and the understanding of the importance of renewable raw materials.
Ecologically and economically sensible measures to increase energy efficiency also contribute to reducing specific energy consumption in Austria.

Renewable energy technologies have a higher added value in Austria than fossil energy.

The promotion of energy technology serves the sustainability of the economy.

These activities are designed to promote our guiding objectives

Statistics / basic documents as a basis of a public relations work and for lobbying

Commissioning and collaboration on studies (economic importance of the industry)

Overall presentations of the Austrian environmental energy technology to support export promotion

Lobbying regarding energy and climate relevancez

Promotion and support of technologies with highest added value for Austria

Opinions on national and international draft laws

Procurement of nationally harmonized framework conditions